API Management

Manage Accounts in one area over many exchanges.

The API Management section acts as the main spawning point for other areas of alpha to come into use. Without accounts you can treat the application as a "read-only" utility with no means of execution.

When adding accounts it is important to note that from a security perspective your keys and secrets are stored locally in an encrypted format that only Alpha can decrypt. In the example above you can see the scope of how many different cross exchange accounts alpha can support. With the option to add 'passphrases' if exchanges require them e.g. Coinbase and OKEx.

When adding keys Alpha will authenticate and check the keys are valid or not.

It is important that keys added to alpha have been set up from a permission standpoint correctly at the exchange, for more detailed documentation on what is required from each exchange by Alpha please refer to the documentation below:

pageKey Permissions

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